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Midland Old and New with Weeip Park

Weeip Park opened in September in the New Junction open space development in Midland's CBD. It is a fabulous play space with a grassed...

Art and About around ECU Mt Lawley

Most University Campuses have an element of public art or interesting architecture so one day when we were nearby exploring the Inglewood...

Mt Lawley Urban Art

When urban art started to become a "thing" in Perth I did quite a bit of research about where the various artworks could be found. My...

Mundaring Heritage, Art and Sculpture Trail

We had a little bit of spare time after hiking around the Mundaring area so decided to explore Mundaring's 2km Heritage Trail. We...

Wanneroo Cultural and Civic Trail

This small but different heritage trail winds it's way through the old Wanneroo townsite. I suggest you download the brochure to show you...

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